Education at Columbus
Our educational philosophy is Reggio-inspired, with a focus on building a strong foundation in social-emotional development. We serve ages 2-5, and learning in our preschool and enrichment programs happens through child-driven inquiry and exploration.
Rich Learning Experiences
Our teachers serve as researchers and partners in the child’s experiences, molding curriculum based on the group’s and individual’s interests and natural curiosities.
We provide learning experiences across all domains – rich in language, science, STEM, reading and math readiness, gross and fine motor development, and creative arts. By allowing the children to assert their interests and explore subjects in deep ways through long-term projects, our teachers help encourage students to pursue their passions and develop love for learning.
Inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach
Our Philosophy
Columbus Pre-School is a learning environment that nurtures and respects the different gifts and variety in learning styles that each child brings to the classroom community.
We build empathy, collaboration, independence, creativity and confidence by allowing children to be authors of their own learning. Active, expressive learning is emphasized, and brought to life through our emergent curriculum.

School Programs

The Journey Begins
Two-year-olds are just beginning their journey into the world of edcuation. They are learning to understand the process of separation, working to develop trust with their teachers and comfort in their classroom environment. With the help of their teachers, 2s begin to form an awareness of their social footprint – both as individuals who can care for themselves, and as members of the classroom community who care for each other.
Teachers aid in the development of language acquisition as they talk to the children during all interactions. Using age-appropriate language to describe the world around them, teachers model language to help promote peer interactions and move children from simply playing side by side to more engaged in cooperative play.
diving deeply into learning and community
The world of the three-year-old is filled with socialization, conversation, imagination, and curiosity. They have moved through their stage of separation and now take ownership of the classroom spaces. They understand the basic ways we socialize and interact with our peers, and so we begin to challenge them.
We provide them with moments to work on patience through taking longer turns and sharing materials. We lengthen our meeting times and read longer books to work on more focused attention spans. Now that the children have learned to come together as a whole group, we challenge them to work in pairs and small groups as they investigate curricula and class activities.

getting ready to move on
As children move into the 4s classes, the students have incorporated all the social aspects from the 2s and 3s years. They understand their value as part of the group. They are able to take care of their own needs and the needs of others. They can be part of a pair, small or large learning group. They are continuing to work on negotiating social situations using dialogue.
With this social-emotional background, our oldest groups are now able to devote their time to serious research and in-depth curricular studies. 4s have the most involved questions, and it is up to the teachers to help the children learn ways to investigate and research in order to answer these questions. They learn to find answers from books, peers, adults, their own experimentation, and experiences they have in the world.
Our program brings to the classroom music and instruments from all over the world. Our music teacher has professional credentials as well as experience with early childhood education, and has crafted a program rich in learning, exploration, creativity, and cultural exposure. Classic skills like melody, rhythm, beats, and harmony are explored through various musical media, and students also have the opportunity to create and improvise their learning, be it marching like dinosaurs or riding in fire trucks.

Columbus Pre-School boasts an extensive natural studies program. Students are encouraged to explore, connect, and engage with nature in meaningful ways, inside and outside of the classroom.
We make it a point to enrich our city-dwelling students by incorporating the natural world right at our fingertips here in NYC. We do this through sensory exploration, investigations, experiments, and observations of nature all around us, from plants in our garden, to herbs and spices in concoctions we create together, to leaf-hunting and animal-watching in Central Park.
Extended Day
Stay Longer. Explore More.

When school lets out for summer, the fun and learning doesn’t stop! We offer a summer program for incoming and current students, as well as non-Columbus students, with flexible weekly enrollment. Camp is led by our qualified preschool teaching faculty, ensuring that learning continues throughout the summer. Weekly themes like “Out of this World” and “Mad Science” guide daily activities, which include classroom activities- creative arts, STEM activities, language and literacy, twice daily outside play on our private playground, including water play with overhead sprinklers, gymnastics, and weekly swim lessons for our older campers. We offer early drop-off at 8:30am for all Older 2s-5s.